Precision Race Timing & Management Territory
We work with a lot of races. Our most important race, however. is your race. Our most important runners are your runners.
Whether your race has 100, 1,000, or 10,000 or more participants, our state-of-the-art race timing service provides everything you need from registration through real-time results. Our goal is to always provide a premium experience for both race participants and your race organization.
Everything you need to exceed your participants' expectations is included. This helps ensure that all Precision Race timed events are "Great Races for Good Causes" (TM)
You simply will not find another timing company that offers all of these features:
Our timing service includes a range of pre-race support, including:
Set up online registration or accept data from your registration system. We recommend the ItsYourRace registration, fundraising, and results platform which integrates directly with our Jaguar timing system for a seamless race experience. We are recognized by Innovative Timing Systems as one of the top Jaguar timers worldwide and we train other Jaguar timing companies across the US.
Keep online registration open. More and more athletes wait until the days or hours just before an event to register. Remember the days when online registration had to close a day or more before your race - right when all of those last-minute people are trying to register? When we host your online registration on ItsYourRace we can keep online registration open right up to the race start time!
Grow your race. We promote and market the races we work with. From our event marketing emails to 60,000+ participants and social media to our website race calendar, we help get word out. After all, runners and cyclists can’t go to events they don’t know about. We have an array of tools to help you from online registration, promo codes and peer-to-peer marketing using our referral codes to ads in RaceTimes eMagazine which goes to 700,000 amateur athletes.
Triangle Race Series. This collection of 25 select races represents the finest races of various sizes and distances throughout the NC Triangle plus select destinations. Include your race the Series (by invitation only) for an additional marketing boost.
Fundraising and donations help your charity get more out of your event. We can set up ItsYourRace fundraising/donations for you - completely integrated with your ItsYourRace registration.
Provide free Precision Race bibs or assist in the design/ordering of customized or personalized race bibs for your event.
Efficient, low-stress Packet Pickup starting with our custom-designed bib distribution boxes and dynamic bib assignment for last-minute entries.
Race shirts made easy! Eliminate one of your biggest headaches! Race shirt planning, ordering, and distribution is easy and stress-free with our shirt management tool and ItsYourRace registration!
Precision Race uses the latest state-of-the-art Jaguar timing system by Innovative Timing Systems to ensure the most complete and accurate race results.
At the heart of virtually every other timing system on the market are RFID “readers” based on 20-year old RFID processors. We use the absolute leading-edge RFID technology - decades ahead of our timing competitors.
We use only genuine Jaguar timing chips, including disposable bib chips for running, disposable helmet chips for road cycling, bike-plate chips for mountain biking, and T-Chips for triathlons.
We use metal truss arches for the start/finish with overhead mounted antennas to read the timing chips. Our finish line and chute gives your race a professional appearance.
Any timing system and any timer can do a reasonable job of timing a race when everything goes perfectly. How often does that happen? Precision Race is recognized as one of the most experienced and skilled Jaguar timers worldwide. We get results.
Precision Race is one of the most experienced Jaguar timers worldwide with offices in the NC Triangle, Southern VA and St. Louis MO. No matter how simple or complex your race is, Precision Race can "raise the bar" on your event.
With Precision Race, there is no need to wait around for results. We provide live results in many ways:
Results Text Messaging: We send text messages as runners cross the finish line (and split points for longer races).
Results Kiosks: Our touch-screen Results Kiosks allow participants to see and print out their personal race results and rankings any time after crossing the finish line.
Automated Race Photography: With our automated Jaguar "Snapshot" photography, athletes and their friends and family can instantly see their finish line photos online in ItsYourRace or in the ItsYourRace mobile app. Athletes can even share their photos to their Facebook wall for free!
Live Streaming Results: Race results are updated online throughout the race.
Mobile App: We completely configure your event in the ItsYourRace mobile app, including:
Schedule of Events with dates/times, locations, and even turn-by-turn driving directions
Event description, News, FAQ's, even weather forecast
Social media integration
List of your sponsors (a great sponsor benefit)
Live race results and Leaderboard
Social Media Integration: Runners can easily share their results on Facebook and/or Twitter. They can also share their "Snapshot" photos on Facebook for free!
Race awards are LIVE in ItsYourRace and can be presented right from our wireless tablet. If there is a change in runner data (e.g. gender or age correction), just refresh the awards screen and you have the latest, updated awards. You can now present your awards while your athletes are still there!